Noetherian modules and a short exact sequence for quotients

3 min read

Equivalent characterizations of the Noetherian condition are plentiful (see Hilbert's Basis Theorem for more) and using them interchangably can be a convenient and succinct way to express proofs. In this post, we explore yet another characterization of Noetherian conditions and bring attention to an important short exact sequence related to quotient constructions which helps clarify why this condition should hold.


The claim of interest is the following:

Let MM be a module and MMM' \subset M a submodule. Then MM is Noetherian if and only if MM' and M/MM / M' are both Noetherian.


My first intuition is that being Noetherian is a stronger finiteness condition (both MM and all of the submodules of MM are finitely generated), so the claim is saying that MM is "finite" iff "dividing" MM by a "finite" object MM' is "finite."

A first attempt at a proof

The \Rightarrow direction is easy: submodules of MM' are also submodules of MM hence finitely generated so MM' is Noetherian. Also, submodules of M/MM / M' are of the form N/MN / M' where NN is a submodule of MM hence finitely generated. Letting N=(n1,,nk)N = (n_1,\ldots,n_k), we have that N/M=(n1+M,,nk+M)N / M' = (n_1 + M', \ldots, n_k + M') is finitely generated as well so M/MM / M' is Noetherian.

The \Leftarrow direction was less obvious to me. We need to show that any submodule NMN \subset M is finitely generated, but the conditions are only on a particular submodule MM'. Following intuition, one might proceed along an argument that the cosets

{n+M:nN}\{n + M' : n \in N \}

partition NN, so using the fact that MM' is finitely generated and N/MN / M' is a submodule of Noetherian M/MM / M' hence also finitely generated we have that NN is partitioned by taking a finitely generated coset MM' and applying a finitely generated set of translations Mn+MM' \mapsto n + M' to it. The generators of the translations combbined with the generators of mm' should give the generators of NN.

Where intuition breaks down

What I just wrote isn't quite true. The careful reader might note that n+Mn + M' may not be contained in NN (e.g. when M⊄NM' \not\subset N). This means that

  1. The proposed "partition" of NN might strictly contain NN (so actually it's a disjoint covering)
  2. If M⊄NM' \not\subset N is not a submodule, then N/MN / M' doesn't make any sense!

Fixing the problem and the short exact sequence for closures

Both of these problems have to do with MM' not being a submodule of NN. To fix that, let's consider NMN \cap M' which we know to both be a submodule of NN. Since we can both include it into NN and use it to form a quotient of NN, we have the following short exact sequence

0NMNN/(NM)00 \to N \cap M' \to N \to N / (N \cap M') \to 0

Although we're working with modules here, the same sequence oftentimes shows up when working with quotients other settings (e.g. MM a group and NMN \trianglelefteq M a normal subgroup, MM a topological space and NMN \subset M a subspace with the subset topology). I've found it worthwhile to commit this thing to memory.

With this sequence, the finiteness structure becomes strikingly obvious. Notice NMMN \cap M' \subset M' so it's finitely generated. Furthermore, N/(NM)(N+M)/MN / (N \cap M') \simeq (N + M') / M' (by the second isomorphism theorem) which is a submodule of M/MM / M', so it's finitely generated as well. We need to show NN is finitely generated to finish the proof, and the sequence makes it obvious is that NN is sandwiched between two finitely generated objects

0NMfin. gen.NN/(NM)fin. gen.00 \to \underbrace{N \cap M'}_{\text{fin. gen.}} \to N \to \underbrace{N / (N \cap M')}_{\text{fin. gen.}} \to 0

The earlier attempt to make the intuition rigorous can now be cleanly argued: Let NM=(a1,,ar)N \cap M' = (a_1, \ldots, a_r) (the finite generators of each coset) and N/(NM)=(b1ˉ,,bsˉ)N / (N \cap M') = (\bar{b_1}, \ldots, \bar{b_s}) (the finite generators of the translations). Then N=(a1,,ar,b1,,bs)N = (a_1, \ldots, a_r, b_1, \ldots, b_s).