Rewrote blog with lume... nice!

1 min read

In honor of 2022's front-end web trends of eschewing everything old from SPAs to React to even Node itself, I got my feet wet by rebuilding this blog with Lume.


Front-end web application frameworks

  • Server-side rendering (Next.js, Remix)
  • No Virtual DOM (Svelte, Solid)
  • Islands architecture and hydration (Astro, Isles)
  • Partial hydration (Marko, Qwik)

Deno, an alternative to Node, may by Node's creator.

SSG \subset SSR \subset web app. Prefer SSG since it is trivial to deploy (no backends/edge functions) and most performant.

Lume is a SSG written in Deno.

From Hugo to Lume

  • Same file-based routing and frontmatter format for posts
  • References are easier to get right thanks to base_path, but is this healthy in the long run?
  • Change templating language, markdown code blocks
  • <!--more--> used to delimit above/below fold content on main page
  • Pain: override blog base layout to insert KaTeX headers





  • Make it easier to globally enable KaTex, or find another solution for inline math.